社會學習理論(social learning theory)
的確,當代犯罪學者Ronald Akers提出的社會學習論有犯罪學的地位,受到許多犯罪學者之重視,也有很多的追隨者,投入社會學習論的實證探討。Akers強調行為學習的過程,他主張,偏差行為經由學習而來,而學習的過程則是透過操作制約的機制。Akers的理論被廣泛地運用在各種犯罪防治工作上。
Akers是University of Florida大學社會系教授,他擔任犯罪學與法律研究中心主任。1966年他與Robert Burgess共同提出了「犯罪行為的差別接觸強化理論(a differential association reinforcement theory of criminal behavior)」,在後來的學術生涯裡,Akers一直都使用這理論解釋犯罪行為。只是,差別接觸強化理論被犯罪學者稱為社會學習理論,而Akers也以社會學習理論出名。
Akers社會學習理論整合了三個理論,包括:Sutherland 的差別接觸理論,Skinner 的操作制約,以及Bandura的社會認知理論(social cognition theory)等。Akers 主張,社會行為受到若干個過程的影響,例如:差別接觸、差別強化與認知定義等(Akers et.al., 1979; Akers 1985;1989;1996; Akers and Lee, 1996)。以下敘述Akers社會學習理論的重點。
第一,犯罪行為的學習乃是依據操作制約的原則,原文是這樣寫的:“Criminal behavior is learned according to the principles of operant conditioning”。
第二,犯罪行為的學習在非社會的情境,透過了強化或者透過區隔,再者,犯罪行為的學習也在社會情境,透過互動,其中他人的行為可以是犯罪的正增強或者負的區隔。原文如下:“Criminal behavior is learned both in nonsocial situations that are reinforcing or discriminative, and through social interaction in which the behavior of other persons is reinforcing or discriminative for criminal behavior”。
第三,犯罪行為的學習,其主要部分發生在那些構成個人主要增強來源之團體裡。原文如下: “The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs in those groups which compromise the individual’s major source of reinforcements” 。
第四,犯罪行為的學習包括有:特殊的技巧,態度,以及迴避過程,這些都是有效率或可利用的強化者之作用使然,以及存在之強化的偶然事件的結果。“The learning of criminal behavior, including specific techniques, attitudes, and avoidance procedures, is a function of the effective and available reinforcers, and the existing reinforcement contingencies”
第五,特殊行為的類別,其學習以及發生的次數,是強化者的作用的結果,其中強化者必須是有效率的,且是在身邊的,並且這些強化者也將他們的原則與規範實際的運用出來。“The specific class of behaviors which are learned and their frequency of occurrence are function of the reinforces which are effective and available, and the rules or norms by which these reinforcers are applied”
第六,犯罪行為是規範的作用,這些的規範可以區隔犯罪行為,犯罪行為的學習,其強化的作用遠超過非犯罪行為。“Criminal behavior is a function of norms which are discriminative for criminal behavior, the learning of which takes place when such behavior is more highly reinforced than noncriminal behavior” (Sutherland, 1947: 5-7).
第七,犯罪行為的力量乃是強化作用的數量、次數與概率的直接作用結果。”The strength of criminal behavior is a direct function of the amount, frequency, and probability of its reinforcement”
Burgess, Robert and Ronald Akers
1966 “Association reinforcement theory of criminal behavior,” Social Problems 14: 363-383.
Akers RL.
1985 “Adolescent marijuana use: A test of three theories of deviant behavior,” Deviant Behavior, 6(4):323-346
Akers RL. (1989) Social learning theory and alcohol behavior among the elderly. Sociological Quarterly, 30(4):625-638
Akers RL. (1996) A longitudinal test of social learning theory: Adolescent smoking. Journal of Drug Issues, 26(2):317-343
Akers RL, Krohn MD, Lanza-Kaduce Lonn, and Rodosevich M. (1979) Social learning and deviant behavior: A specific test of a general theory. American Sociological Review, 44:636-655.
Akers RL and Lee G. (1996) A longitudinal test of social learning theory: Adolescent smoking. Journal of Drug Issues, 26(2):317-343.妳